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Auto Mazar

Dutch Passion
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  • Maximize yields, minimize effort. Grows around 80cm, yields up to 500g/m2!
  • Medicine in bud form. Potent couch-lock effect, perfect for Indica lovers.
  • The finest genetics. One of the first autoflowers available with +10 years on the market.
  • Perfect for hash makers. Experience true old-school terps.
  • Ideal for beginners. Extremely resilient to beginners’ mistakes.
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Технологический радар

Auto Mazar
Очень жаркий
Очень холодный
Преимущественно Сатива
Преимущественно Индика
Очень сильный
Фильтры не нужны

Технические характеристики

Параметры Характеристика
Вкус Hash, Kush, Spicy, Citrus. Earth
ТГК До 14%
КБД <1%
Урожай в индоре - ЕС 450 – 500 гр/м²
Урожай в индоре - США 1.5 – 1.9 унций/фут²
Урожай в аутдоре - ЕС 50 – 300 гр/растение
Урожай в атудоре - США 2 – 10 унций/растение
Размер L
Высота ЕС 70 – 80 см
Высота США 25 – 35 дюймов
Недели цветения 10 недель
Выращивание Индор/Аутдор
Пол Феминизированные
Сатива/Индика Mostly Indica
Генетика Mazar x Indica Autoflower
Тип Автоцветы


Auto Mazar by Dutch Passion is an easy-to-grow, robust and extremely resilient variety that has been on the market for over 10 years, being one of the first autoflowering genetics available. This is a super vigorous variety that will thrive in almost all climates, both indoor and outdoor, making it the perfect autoflower for both beginners and experienced growers seeking high yields with minimal maintenance. This is the result of breeding award-winning Afghani x Skunk #1 genetics, offering a true representation of Indica varieties. Auto Mazar reeks of a pungent blend of citrus, earthy and spicy terps that translate to that classic hashish aroma that we all know and love. The delicious old-school flavors come hand-in-hand with a two-part effect that starts as a nice uplifting high and immediately turns into a deeply relaxing, almost anesthetic body high that’ll leave you glued to the couch.

Bud Description 

This Indica-dominant variety grows pointy, fat, almost golf-sized flowers that are as big as they’re dense and get completely covered in resin by harvest time. Auto Mazar by Dutch Passion produces yellowish-green buds with neon orange hairs boasting a low leaf-to-bud ratio and that classic old-school terpene profile that old-timers love. As soon as you break the buds open, expect that traditional hash aroma that combines hues of kush, musky earth, pine, and oftentimes a sweeter, more fruity aroma that makes your mouth water just by thinking about it. 

Smoke Reports 

With up to 14% THC, Auto Mazar gets you in an overall happy state that allows you to enjoy the moment while it hits you with a powerfully relaxing, oftentimes anesthetic body high. Thanks to its potent Indica heritage, this strain’s effects are highly recommended for consumers who love a powerful couch-lock effect. This strain is an excellent choice for medical consumers as the potent effect will numb your whole body, getting rid of stress, chronic pain, and anxiety along the way.

Plant Appearance 

This strain grows vigorously and fairly compact, reaching up to 80 cm in height while developing that classic Christmas tree structure typical of Indica-dominant hybrids. Auto Mazar by Dutch Passion grows one stout main cola with multiple short side branches where the thick, compact buds grow from top to bottom, making it look like it's one huge per branch. This is an extremely resistant strain that can tolerate beginners' mistakes, and despite its short stature, can produce up to 300 g/plant in as little as 10 weeks in almost all types of climates, making it a must for growers of all levels of experience looking to get lots of top-quality bud with minimal effort.

Grow Tips 

It’s not recommended to perform topping because this variety already grows quite compact and doing so would probably harm the yield as you will lose the main cola. If you want to enhance the flavors and aromas even further, make sure to grow Auto Mazar seeds with 100% organic nutrients and flush thoroughly during the last few weeks before harvest. More experienced growers are encouraged to push this variety to the maximum in terms of feedings as it will reward you with even bigger yields.


Auto Mazar tastes just how it smells. On the inhale, expect distinctive spicy notes with a powerful earthy background and that familiar Kush flavor that rounds it up. And as you exhale, the flavors gradually open up, giving place to sweeter fruity tastes that finish with a unique sour lemon/lime, almost hazy flavor that reminds you of the good old days. It’s a perfect strain for hash makers looking to make the most outstanding, top-quality hashish.

Сравнить с аналогичными штаммами

Урожай в индоре - ЕС
Урожай в аутдоре - ЕС
Высота ЕС
Недели цветения
До 14%
450 – 500 гр/м²
50 – 300 гр/растение
70 – 80 см
10 недель
Mostly Indica
До 24%
450 – 600 гр/м²
60 – 300 гр/растение
90 – 130 см
9 – 10 недель
Сатива 65%/Индика 35%
До 26%
400 – 500 гр/м²
70 – 160 гр/растение
60 – 100 см
8 – 9 недель
Сатива 15%/Индика 85%
До 24%
450 – 550 гр/м²
50 – 170 гр/растение
80 – 100 см
8 – 9 недель
Сатива 50%/Индика 50%

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