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Gelato Auto

Jedna z naszych najpotężniejszych odmian w historii. Raporty laboratoryjne wykazują 26% THC i wyraźn smak lodów.
Na stanie
1 feminized seed
$15.00 / seed
1 feminized seed
$15.00 / seed
2 feminized seeds
$14.50 / seed
3 feminized seeds
$14.00 / seed
5 feminized seeds
$13.00 / seed
10 feminized seeds
$12.00 / seed
25 feminized seeds
$9.80 / seed
50 feminized seeds
$8.20 / seed
100 feminized seeds
$6.90 / seed
Do koszyka
Twoje zamówienie zostanie wysłane 7 March przez USPS, shipping cost $6.50
Płatności można dokonać za pomocą Karty kredytowej/debetowej, Przelewu bankowego oraz Bitcoin.
Przy każdym zamówieniu otrzymasz co najmniej 1 darmowe nasionko
  • Szalenie potężny! Dla tych, którzy lubią silny haj, test laboratoryjny przy 26% THC.
  • Unikalne terpy. Szczególny smak lodów ze słodkimi i pikantnymi nutami zapewnia najsmaczniejsze ekstrakty.
  • Dyskretny. Krępa struktura przypominająca Indicę sprawia, że jest idealna do uprawy w dowolnym miejscu.
  • Niezwykle mocny! Dzięki wysokiemu poziomowi THC jest wysoce zalecany dla osób próbujących pokonać blokadę psychiczną lub po prostu puścić wodze twórczej energii.
  • Wielokrotnie nagradzane ekstrakcje. Nasze Gelato znalazło się wśród 3 najlepszych ekstrakcji w edycji Spannabis 2020.
Czytaj więcej

Radar Techniczny

Gelato Auto
Bardzo gorąco
Bardzo zimny
Głównie Sativa
Głównie Indica
Bardzo mocny
Nie potrzebuje filtra

Specyfikacje techniczne

Parametr Wartość
Smak Ciasteczko, Ziemny, Lody, Słodkie
CBD < 1%
Zbiór US wnętrzny 1.3 – 1.8 uncji/ft2
Zbiór UE Wewnątrz 2 – 7 uncji/roślina
Rozmiar XL
Wysokość US 28 – 40 cali
Tygodnie Rozkwitnięcia 9 tygodni
Pokój W środku/Na zewnątrz
Płeć Feminizowane
Sativa/Indica Sativa 55%/Indica 45%
Genetyczny Gelato Auto
Typ Automatycznie kwitnące
Zdjęcia od naszej Społeczności
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Instagram Gelato Auto
Instagram Gelato Auto
Instagram Gelato Auto
Instagram Gelato Auto
Instagram Gelato Auto


Od czasu powstania w Kalifornii, Gelato stała się flagową odmianą znaną z wysokiej jakości smaku, a nasza Gelato Auto podtrzymuje tę renomy. Dobrze rozwinięta, stabilna roślina z wyraźnym smakiem lodów, co czyni ją doskonałym wyborem do ekstrakcji. A dzięki zawartości THC sięgającej 26% w testach laboratoryjnych Gelato jest bez wątpienia najpotężniejszą odmianą, jaką kiedykolwiek stworzyliśmy.

Wygląd pąka

Pączki pokryte słupkami z pomarańczowym szronem. O żywym, zielonym kolorze i pomarańczowo-złotych, śnieżnych włoskach, które przyklejają się do palców nawet przy najlżejszym dotyku.


Haj podnoszący na duchu, chichotliwy i energiczny. Wspaniały dla kreatywnych umysłów, które chcą pokonać brak weny. Jeśli jesteś nowicjuszem, zachowaj ostrożność. Ta odmiana, mając niebywałe 26% THC, ma mocarne działanie i może niektórych przygwoździć do kanapy. Pal delikatnie, rozkoszuj się kremowymi smakami i pozwól, aby swobodnie płynęła w Tobie kreatywność.

Wygląd rośliny

Bogata w zieleń roślina, o liściach pokrytych kryształami, które będą błyszczeć w słońcu lub oświetleniu hodowlanym. Struktura przypominająca Indicę – dość lepka, z dużą ilością zwartych pąków. W miarę zbliżania się do końca cyklu widać będzie, jak pokrywa się pomarańczowymi słupkami.

Zapieczętowane, aby zapewnić autentyczność
Wodoodporna powłoka
Aluminiowa wyściółka wewnętrzna
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Wskazówki hodowlane

Ponieważ jest to roślina o strukturze zbliżonej do szczepu Indica, można zalecić lekkie defoliacje, aby wspomóc wzrost w niższych partiach rośliny. Zalecany jest filtr węglowy, ponieważ jest to jedna z naszych najmocniej pachnących odmian. Hodowcy powinni zacząć zbiory około 10 tygodnia, jak tylko zauważą, że słupki robią się lekko bursztynowo-pomarańczowe. Obfitość żywicy tej odmiany sprawia, że jest doskonałym wyborem do produkcji olejów i ekstrakcji. Proces nawożenia powinien rozpocząć się około 10 dni przed końcem cyklu.


Mieszanka ziemistych aromatów stonowanych słodkim smakiem ciasteczek i pikantnymi cytrusowymi akcentami sprawia, że dym jest słodki i gładki, przywodząc na myśl smak lodów.

Porównaj z podobnymi szczepami

Zbiór UE Wnętrzny
Żniwa US Na Wolnym Powietrzu
Wysokość US
Tygodnie Rozkwitnięcia
400 – 550 g/m2
2 – 7 uncji/roślina
28 – 40 cali
9 tygodni
Sativa 55%/Indica 45%
450 – 600 g/m2
3 – 11 uncji/roślina
35 – 51 cali
9 – 10 tygodni
Sativa 65%/Indica 35%
400 – 500 g/m2
2 – 6 uncji/roślina
24 – 39 cali
8 – 9 tygodni
Sativa 15%/Indica 85%
450 – 550 g/m2
2 – 6 uncji/roślina
31 – 39 cali
8 – 9 tygodni
Sativa 50%/Indica 50%

Opinie klientów

4.6 z 5
193 oceny klientów
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Taub. Verified customer
Reviewed 3 May 2020
just like the real thing!
I had doubts when I first saw Gelato AUTO, thinking there's no way it would be as good as the original. I got this as a gift seed with one of my orders, so I thought why not? Let's grow it. ANd man I'm glad I did, this is legit dank! Took me back to my visit to cali lol. I just made an an order for more and had to leave my review!
12 people found this helpful
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Darth. Verified customer
Commented 5 May 2020
Yeah bro, this sh*t is amazing!
Zgłoś nadużycie
W I hope I feel like it when I get through ruin itoester
Commented 5 August 2024
I hope that's the way it is when I get through growing it
Zgłoś nadużycie
Salveson. Verified customer
Reviewed 30 July 2020
Terpene Trichome machine
This girl is low maintenance and easy to grow. She produces top quality, potent flowers. The smoke is sweet, smooth and tasty. I highly recommend it to any level of grower.
6 people found this helpful
ludzie uznali to za pomocne
Zgłoś nadużycie
Reviewed 13 July 2021
Trippy as actual lsd
This one tho,,, hoooly cream, this stuff will NOT let you sleep, smoked it sometimes by accident before sleeping and well, no sleeping was done those times, this B will legit keep you up, you cannot sleep on this, don't try it cuz u can't, its an energy powerhouse not only in your body as it leaves you too active and makes you HAVE TO MOVE cuz you just start felling your whole body numb and only way to stop it is by moving, you smoke too much and damn paranoia will make you think the plant took the last step needed to finally be damaging to humans, it will make you think you smoked laced bud, you know it ain't laced, but not after smoking you won't, cuz after you smoke this one u get proper fckd up, you try to controll it but you can't, till you finally go past the peak and feel like ur back in controll, at wich point ur just gonna smoke another one cuz the effect is addictive as FRIK, its like ur drinking 10 thc infused coffees and then some1 drops a bit of mdma on those coffees, ITS JUST TOO POWERFULL, for me. Defenitly not growing this again in the upcoming time as i can't handle this type of high for now, too strong for me, and i thought i could handle strong, but well, fk that, i'm not messing with this one, everyone i know who tried it either claimed they never been so high before in their life or that i laced it with something, nope, no thank you, you wanted to show me i can't handle a proper high intensity high, well... good job fastbuds, now i got a challange waiting for me in the future, cuz i'm coming back for this one, hell yeah i'm facing this exact gelato someday in the future, just not for now cuz dayum, it basically turns u into a crackhead within a couple spliffs, you will be trying to make sense of shit but not making any, you will be wanting more whilst still trying to handle the high from the first spliff. Good luck hardcore smokers, cuz from this strain on, i no longer consider myself a hardcore smoker. p.s. i'm talking bud yeah, not the rosin from the bud, just plain bud, if you go down for 2 days without smoking its enough for this strain to hook you up with the ride u didn't even ask for. highly recomend to "High Chasers", if ur chasing the highest high, u found it, now just take 2 days off and properly experience this b*tch as she fks you up for good, ur not gonna want anything else, extremely trippy high. EXTREMELY!!!!! So controll urself after smoking. DO NOT SMOKE THIS AT LOW TOLERANCE, smoke some weak bud first cuz if you smoke this one at baseline then get ready to trip, and i mean lsd near overdose type of trip, its just TOO POWERFULL BEWARE, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Stay lit.
5 people found this helpful
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Zgłoś nadużycie
Commented 5 January 2022
I will agree this strain of gelato is very strong
Zgłoś nadużycie
Commented 6 June 2024
Well thats crazy! Im currently running this strain rightnow i wonder if i already grew this before came from “Mix of 5 auto” coz what you were talking about here is familiar hahaha!
Zgłoś nadużycie
Reviewed 14 September 2022
Nailed it!
Fastbuds definitely stepped up their game when this delight became available, by far the fastest and best producing strain I've tried from any seedbank. I have included Gelato in every grow I've done since the first, it's just too good in terms of ease of grow, scent, flavour and the superman punch it hits with!
4 people found this helpful
ludzie uznali to za pomocne
Zgłoś nadużycie
Reviewed 29 April 2023
Top class strain you won't be disappointed????????
3 people found this helpful
ludzie uznali to za pomocne
Zgłoś nadużycie
Reviewed 11 December 2022
Nothings better than Gelato!
Beats any other auto hands down!
3 people found this helpful
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Teicher. Verified customer
Reviewed 17 August 2020
my gelato came out really nice! just finishing curing it, it's got some dense nugs and awesome smell and taste.
3 people found this helpful
ludzie uznali to za pomocne
Zgłoś nadużycie
Commented 5 April 2024
/what did you use for nutrients
Zgłoś nadużycie
Reviewed 10 January 2023
A++ seed shop
Look no further if you’re an autoflower grower
2 people found this helpful
ludzie uznali to za pomocne
Zgłoś nadużycie
Reviewed 15 December 2022
Bomb proof
Loves nutes. Smells amazing. Hits like a hammer. I adore everything about this girl. Tried photoperiod, and wasn't sure about the autos being as good. I just thought it would be a diluted version and gave autos a try, out of curiousity. WOW!! I swear these are better. 2 runs, just to make sure. Very forgiving to mistakes. And if they get too tall, you can snap the tops and 2days later they are healed and swollen and on their way up again. But it slows the main colas growth afterwards, so the side branches can catch up. And when i say 'snap' the tops. I literally mean squeeze hard, with thumb and finger a couple of times at the height you want and grab hold and snap. Don't worry about it tearing the stem open and getting infected. They are 'super healers' SOLID. And in no time you have creamy sweet buds. And if you can wait that long, 8 weeks curing, leaves you with a smoke that looks smells and tastes like you see in the movies ???? haha. In minutes it calms you, then it sits you down, while your mind goes wandering. And if you carry on... It retires you. Stoners Dream
2 people found this helpful
ludzie uznali to za pomocne
Zgłoś nadużycie
Reviewed 30 November 2022
Every strain I purchased here was great
Gelato was among the best
2 people found this helpful
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Pytania i odpowiedzi klientów

17 głosów
Is the Gelato Auto resistant to mold?
This strain is considered to be resistant to mold, yes. Most likely it's due to it's terpene profile, which includes Pinenes and Caryophyllene, which is specifically known for its mold resisting abilities.
od Welcher 29 March 2020
16 głosów
My Gelato is very bushy. Should I do some defoliation?
If you feel that there are bud sites that are not getting light, some light defoliation should be fine, as long as your plant is healthy to start with. Removing anything from a plant can be stressful to it, therefore it's important that all other aspects of the plant are ok before potentially stressing it with defoliation. Removing some fan leaves little by little should be fine.
od Latour 22 July 2020
15 głosów
My gelatos got some bugs. What do you recommend to spray them with? i prefer somethin organic
If you would like to use an organic spray, you can use a solution of water and Neem oil. This should only be used during the vegetative stage as it can be damaging to flowers and alter bud flavor. During seedling stage, you can mix 8ml of Neem oil to 1 liter of water. Once in the Vegetative Stage increase to 16ml of Neem oil to 1 liter of water. If you have issues with pests during flowering stage, you can mix 5ml of baking soda per 1 liter of water or 500ml of 70% alcohol with 500ml of water. Alternatively, you can add predatory insects which are not harmful to your plants, such as ladybugs.
od Cloyd 2 July 2020
14 głosów
Do you have a feeding schedule for the Gelato?
To start, the schedule will depend on your medium. If you are in Soil, you can start feeding around 2 weeks into growth. In coco, around day 10. And in hydro, you can start feeding on day one. We suggest starting out with around 1/4 of the recommended dose of your preferred nutrients, and gradually increase the dose as you observe the plant's reaction to the feeding. Some growers prefer to feed for each watering, using less nutrients or feeding every other watering using more nutrients.
od Kory Kaluzny 27 July 2020
14 głosów
What lights should I use to grow this strain?
As a company we can't really recommend any specific type or brand of lights, however we suggest doing your research in finding the best quality of lights possible for your set up. Quality light is very important in Cannabis cultivation. It's also about preference and what works in your space best. If you have heat issues, maybe LEDs are a good choice, if it's too cold, go for HPS, etc. You should also make sure to find out the 'true wattage' of your lights before making a purchase.
od Mital 1 May 2020
13 głosów
Will Gelato make me feel paranoid?
This is one of our most potent strains (up to 26%THC!) , so it's not the most recommended for beginning consumers or anyone sensitive to the effects of THC. It's a balanced hybrid, so it has both Indica and Sativa effects, we recommend harvesting once you have around 80% milky trichomes to 20% amber trichomes, with no clear trichomes in order to avoid any unpleasant, racy head effects.
od Bomgardner 2 September 2020
13 głosów
How long should I dry and cure it?? Never tried one so potent before!
Generally speaking, the drying process takes about 5-6 days but it might extend longer. Allow the buds to cure for at least 4 weeks, but they become even more flavorful if cured for 6-8 weeks.
od Kea 2 August 2020
13 głosów
My Gelato Auto is on day 52 and I want to get big fat buds, do you have any advice on how to make them bigger?
Make sure you keep your plant fed and allow the light to reach all of the bud sites, this will help the buds get denser and improve yields.
od Tom Gotshall 16 May 2020
13 głosów
Does Gelato Auto smell strong?
This is definitely one of our stronger smelling strains. Invest in some carbon filters!
od Lin 11 May 2020
12 głosów
Hello. is my first time growing an auto. What pot size do u recommend? I dont have lot of space
We generally recommend using at least 3 gallon pots (11-12 liters) to allow plants to grow to their full potential. Another tip, be sure to plant your pre germinated seed into its final pot. That is to say, don't transplant your seedling from one pot to another.
od Vittorini 10 March 2020
11 głosów
What pH should my water have when flushing? Thanx
This depends on your medium, just like when you feed or water during growth. If you are in soil, flush with water pH'd 5.8-6.8. In coco, 5.5-6.5. And in hydro, around 5.5-5.8.
od Debbie 1 May 2020
10 głosów
How does Gelato Auto take topping?
While topping is not usually recommended for autos, especially for beginning (autoflower) growers, we have seen some great results from experienced growers with this strain. That being said, topping can potentially stunt the growth or stress the plant. So it should be done with caution. LST is definitely recommended for this strain though.
od Alekna 20 July 2020
9 głosów
How much does one plant produce approximately in a 3 gallon container GELATO AUTO GORILLA GLUE GORILLA COOKIES AND What is better to grow them in an area of ​​5 mx 5 m LST OR SOG
Hello, you can expect (approximately) 50-250g per plant but the yields really depend on your lights, nutrients, conditions and your experience as a grower.
od Schmunk 28 November 2020
9 głosów
I am currently growing Gelato Auto and I'm on day 47. The pistils are turning orange but the trichomes are still mostly clear. Should I wait to harvest it?
Yes, you should harvest when around 70% of the trichomes are cloudy if you prefer a more cerebral effect or when 70% of the trichomes have turned amber if you want a more corporal effect.
od Rochlin 14 September 2020
9 głosów
When should I start doing LST on Gelato Auto?
Generally speaking, once the plant has around 3 nodes it should react well to LST.
od Papaioannou 29 July 2020
8 głosów
In which part of the growth the leaves are removed?
Hello! You can start defoliating slightly around week 4 and then a bit more around week 6, just make sure you don't overdo it because you can stress your plants.
od Angelo 27 October 2020
8 głosów
How resilient is Gelato Auto?
This is a great choice for beginning growers due to it's ability to survive through some rookie mistakes. Obviously it's important to keep conditions as perfect as possible, but this is a resilient strain that any level of grower can enjoy.
od Goth 5 March 2020
6 głosów
2 auto gelato in week 6 from seed and not flowering but extremely healthy. Is this normal? Every thing I’ve read says quick flowering. Thanks!
Hello, yes, as long as you don't see any signs of deficiencies it's normal, some plants may take longer to flower depending on the phenotype you got and the growing conditions.
od B 15 December 2020
6 głosów
How long do the seeds to start coming throughas shoots please just so I can get timing right between grows
Thanks for asking! This strain stays approximately 4 weeks in the vegetative stage and 5 weeks in the flowering stage.
od Gaete 28 September 2020
6 głosów
How can I guarantee that I get 26 % THC from my Gelato Auto?
Our strains have been specially selected to have their characteristics stabilized so there's no need to do anything extra, just grow it properly and your Gelato will have 26% THC.
od Jakub Ruschak 26 August 2020
6 głosów
Is this a good strain for beginners?
Absolutely! This strain is a very forgiving strain in terms of making mistakes during the grow. It's low maintenance and requires no special attention. It would be great strain to start out with.
od Huxley 27 June 2020
6 głosów
Is Gelato Auto good for making extractions?
Since this strain is one of our frostiest, it's perfect for extractions of all types.
od Ridep Saka 20 April 2020
4 głosów
Is Gelato AUto a heavy feeder?
No, Gelato Auto doesn't need more nutrients than any other strain would need.
od Dike 18 June 2020
2 głosów
It says flowering time is 8-9 weeks but is that total time since seedling or once it actually starts flowering?
Thanks for asking! 8-9 weeks is the whole life cycle, from seed to harvest.
od TheArmoire 20 October 2020
1 głosów
I have put neem oil on my plants with the first leaves up, and did not turn my lights of,,, now they have came up yellow, but my second set of leaves have came up and they are looking nice and green
Hello, that usually happens when foliar spraying when the lights remain on for a lot of time because the water droplets act as a magnifying glass. You should foliar spray just a couple of hours before the light fixture turns off to avoid this.
od Misenti 20 February 2021
1 głosów
Is your Gelato Auto from 33 or 41??
Gelato 33 and 41 were created and selected by other breeders, so we feel that it wouldn’t be appropriate to claim those phenotypes as our own. During the breeding process, we made our own selection from various Gelato clones, and crossed them with our special autoflowering strains, and this is how our Gelato Auto was created.
od Zach Brown 1 June 2020
0 głosów
what kind of lighting do you recommend for this strain? Lec 315W or HPS 600w?
Hello. Well, it depends on a lot of things, please send us an email and our support team will help you out. Thanks for asking.
od Demagistris 3 November 2022
0 głosów
Is this strain pungent/loud? (I use a carbon filter but still want to avoid offensively loud/gassy/pungent strains) i have grown gorilla punch which was quite pungent
Hello, thanks for asking. Yes, it's hard to say exactly how much it will smell because it depends on a lot of things but expect a smell similar to the Gorilla Punch Auto in terms of pungency.
od Bawany 29 September 2022
0 głosów
My gelato auto is it 4 weeks veg and 5 weeks flower?
Hello, thanks for asking. Yes, in good conditions your Gelato Auto should take around 4 weeks in veg and 5 in flower.
od jimmy nuggz 9 November 2021
0 głosów
Lollipop is good for Auto? Or just LST
Hello, thanks for asking. You can lollipop your plants if you have experience with autos but have in mind that it may stress them if you do it too aggressively so, if you're not 100% confident about how to do it, it would be better to perform LST just to be safe.
od Manfre 20 June 2021