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Auto Night Queen

Dutch Passion
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  • A terpene powerhouse. Hashish-flavored resin that’ll take your concentrates to the next level.
  • Your own medicine bush. Extremely potent anti-anxiety and anti-stress effects.
  • A top-shelf strain. Try award-winning genetics in auto version!
  • Outstanding bag appeal. A must for growers seeking colorful harvests.
  • All-powerful Indica hybrid. Experience one of the most potent Indica autos available.
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Технологический радар

Auto Night Queen
Очень жаркий
Очень холодный
Преимущественно Сатива
Преимущественно Индика
Очень сильный
Фильтры не нужны

Технические характеристики

Параметры Характеристика
Вкус Hash, Pine, Incense, Fruit
ТГК До 18%
КБД <0.1%
Урожай в индоре - ЕС 450 – 600 гр/м²
Урожай в индоре - США 1.5 – 2 унций/фут²
Урожай в аутдоре - ЕС 100 – 150 гр/растение
Урожай в атудоре - США 3.5 – 5.5 унций/растение
Размер L
Высота ЕС 50 – 100 см
Высота США 20 – 40 дюймов
Недели цветения 10 недель
Выращивание Индор/Аутдор
Пол Феминизированные
Сатива/Индика Mostly Indica
Генетика (Night Queen x Mazar i Sharif) x Auto Mazar
Тип Автоцветы


Auto Night Queen is an award-winning autoflower bred by Dutch Passion. This autoflower originates from two of the strongest Indica varieties, the Night Queen, and an auto version of the renowned Mazar-i-Sharif, making for an outstanding Indica-dominant hybrid that’s super easy to grow and yields up to 600 g/m2 in around 10 weeks without much maintenance. This is one of the most potent Indica autoflowers on the market, offering a potent, long-lasting corporal high that’s ideal for medicinal consumers and those who love really strong Indica effects as this variety can and will put you to sleep before you finish the joint. The potent body high has that old-school mix of earthy, piney, and incense-like terps that give it a pungent and very powerful Afghani/Kush hash taste that reminds of the delicious aroma of Dutch coffee shops.

Bud Description

This autoflower produces extremely thick, rock-hard flowers with a thick layer of resin all over, including the sugar leaves which, thanks to its genetic heritage, oftentimes develop reddish, pinkish, and blueish colors by harvest time. On top of the gorgeous bag appeal, Auto Night Queen produces an extremely pungent blend of aromas that can be described as sweet, fruity, earthy, and piney, which translates to a distinctively fruity and sweet Afghan hash smell.

Smoke Reports 

With up to 18% THC, Auto Night Queen seeds by Dutch Passion offer one of the most potent corporal effects, putting you in a heavy, long-lasting body stone that’s perfect for relaxing after a long and busy day. This Indica-leaning autoflower is known for its powerful effects on the mind and body that comes hand-in-hand with rich hashish flavors. After a couple of flavorful hits, you’ll notice a light head buzz while the heavy body stone high sets in; Expect a truly potent high that sedates your whole body and glues you to the couch while getting rid of pain and most likely knocking you out before you can finish the whole joint. This is a perfect variety for Indica lovers and avid consumers who can handle super-powerful body stone effects.

Plant Appearance 

Auto Night Queen develops bushy and compact, with a fairly compact appearance typical of Indica hybrids, being able to grow up to 100cm but usually staying around 50-75cm. Expect a medium-sized main cola with multiple short side branches that may not grow much but develop thick, fat flowers from head to toe that can yield up to 600 g/m2. This is a highly recommended variety for beginners as her robust genetics can withstand beginners' mistakes and all kinds of climates without extra effort, while still delivering quality and quantity. This is a must for growers of all levels of experience, especially beginners seeking to grow a top-notch Indica strain without much hassle.

Grow Tips 

Make sure to wear gloves and have your trim bin nearby as the resinous sugar leaves are excellent for making some of the most flavorful hash and concentrates. Auto Night Queen prefers as much sun as possible so it’s highly recommended to provide a light schedule of 20/4 or even 24/0; For outdoor growers it’s recommended to have them in a very sunny place in order to allow the plants to achieve their full potential. Due to its relatively short height, Auto Night queen is the perfect variety to grow on a balcony as it won’t grow very tall and you can also restrict plant size by growing it in smaller pots, just keep the basics covered and make sure it gets enough sunlight, and you’ll be enjoying some powerful Indica bud in 10 weeks.


Auto Night Queen by Dutch Passion has that typical hash flavor but with a sweet fruity twist. On the inhale, expect a rich hash taste with a prominent peppery and earthy background, and slightly sweet and gassy notes. As you exhale, the flavors reveal more fruity undertones with a strong kush and herbal taste that fills the whole room with that Afghan hash aroma old-schoolers love.

Сравнить с аналогичными штаммами

Урожай в индоре - ЕС
Урожай в аутдоре - ЕС
Высота ЕС
Недели цветения
До 18%
450 – 600 гр/м²
100 – 150 гр/растение
50 – 100 см
10 недель
Mostly Indica
До 24%
450 – 600 гр/м²
60 – 300 гр/растение
90 – 130 см
9 – 10 недель
Сатива 65%/Индика 35%
До 26%
400 – 500 гр/м²
70 – 160 гр/растение
60 – 100 см
8 – 9 недель
Сатива 15%/Индика 85%
До 24%
450 – 550 гр/м²
50 – 170 гр/растение
80 – 100 см
8 – 9 недель
Сатива 50%/Индика 50%

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