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Guava Auto™

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13,00 €
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1 feminized seed
13,00 € / seed
1 feminized seed
13,00 € / seed
2 feminized seeds
12,00 € / seed
3 feminized seeds
12,00 € / seed
5 feminized seeds
11,00 € / seed
10 feminized seeds
9,90 € / seed
25 feminized seeds
8,60 € / seed
50 feminized seeds
7,30 € / seed
100 feminized seeds
5,90 € / seed
500 feminized seeds
3,90 € / seed
1000 feminized seeds
3,40 € / seed
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  • ¡Hasta un 28 % de THC! La potencia personificada.
  • Superproducción, superrápida. ¡Hasta 550 g/m² en 8-9 semanas!
  • Perfecta para los extractores. Calidad de resina y sabor ideales para los fabricantes de hachís.
  • Crecimiento versátil. Extremadamente resistente al moho y las plagas, ideal para el exterior.
  • Prospera con un mantenimiento básico. Unos cuidados mínimos producen la máxima rentabilidad.
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Radar tecnológico

Guava Auto™
Muy caliente
Muy frío
Mayormente Sativa
Mayormente Indica
Muy fuerte
No se necesita filtro

Especificaciones Técnicas

Parámetro Valor
Sabor Frutas, Guava, Dulce
THC Hasta 28%
CBD < 1%
Cosecha EU Interior 450 – 550 gr/m2
Cosecha EE. UU. en interior 1.5 – 1.8 oz./pie2
Cosecha EU al aire libre 60 – 200 gr/planta
Cosecha EE. UU al aire libre 2 – 7 oz/planta
Tamaño XL
Altura EU 70 – 120 cm
Altura EE. UU. 28 – 47 pulgadas
Tiempo de cosecha 8 – 9 semanas
Habitación Interior/Exterior
Género Feminizadas
Sativa/Indica Sativa 50%/Indica 50%
Genética Guava Auto
Tipo Autofloreciente
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La Guava Auto™ transforma el proceso de cultivo en un placer absoluto. Esta equilibrada autofloreciente híbrida 50/50 presume de una resistencia excepcional contra las plagas y el moho, junto con un notable potencial de producción de hasta 550 g/m² en solo 8-9 semanas, lo que resulta perfecto para cultivadores noveles y aquellos con agendas apretadas. Con un potente contenido de THC del 28 %, prepárate para un subidón gradual, pero potente de efectos que elevarán tu estado de ánimo hasta la pura felicidad. A medida que avanza la fumada, experimenta una euforia edificante que potencia la sociabilidad y la conversación hasta niveles incomparables. En cuanto a la producción de resina, la Guava Auto™ supera las expectativas tanto en calidad como en cantidad. Deléitate con una cremosa fusión de dulce guayaba tropical y sabores afrutados. Una elección codiciada para fabricantes de hachís y extractores, esta cepa no solo deleita las papilas gustativas, sino que también garantiza rendimientos sustanciales en las conversiones de flores a colofonia.

Descripción de los cogollos 

La Guava Auto™ desarrolla cogollos duros como rocas con tonalidades verde claro y pelos de color naranja brillante que se complementan maravillosamente con matices rosáceos y rojizos por toda la planta. Las flores impresionantemente escarchadas muestran una gruesa capa de resina que apesta un olor dulce y cremoso, con un aroma delicioso que recuerda a un granizado de frutas tropicales. Si buscas cultivar las flores más aromáticas y resinosas o producir extracciones de primera, nuestra Guava Auto™ es el camino a seguir.


Esta autofloreciente es una gran elección para cualquiera que busque un efecto que motive e impulse la creatividad. Unas caladas de Guava Auto™ y es probable que te olvides de las preocupaciones y te pongas feliz al instante. Es un potente estimulante del estado de ánimo que puede utilizarse en cualquier momento del día.

Su efecto centrado y funcional la convierte en una gran variedad para despertarse, ya que puede darte ese subidón de energía necesario para empezar el día con buen pie o para mejorar una noche de fiesta con los amigos. El alegre subidón motivador viene acompañado de un agradable colocón corporal, relajante, pero que no te deja pegado al sofá.

Aspecto de La Planta 

La Guava Auto™ es una variedad excelente para los cultivadores que se enfrentan a climas más duros, ya que esta variedad es muy resistente a las plagas y al moho, y crecerá sin dificultades. Esta autofloreciente desarrolla una cola central muy alta con ramificaciones laterales relativamente cortas, alcanzando hasta 120 cm de altura y rindiendo hasta 550 g/m2.

Gracias a su herencia mixta, esta autofloreciente exhibe hojas finas en abanico y una proporción ideal entre hojas y cogollos que simplifica el proceso de recorte, ofreciendo una experiencia de cultivo más eficiente.

Sellado para garantizar la autenticidad
Revestimiento impermeable
Revestimiento interior de aluminio
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Consejos de cultivo 

La Guava Auto™ es una opción óptima tanto para cultivadores novatos como para los más ocupados, ya que presume de una resistencia excepcional que prospera incluso en climas difíciles. Con su robusta resistencia y su afinidad por las condiciones moderadas, florece en diversos entornos. Durante la floración, su olor moderado resulta ventajoso para los cultivadores que buscan un control manejable de los olores, garantizando una experiencia de cultivo más suave. Sus abundantes ramas laterales ofrecen la posibilidad de aumentar el rendimiento mediante una formación estratégica de las plantas, con la opción flexible de emplear dobladores de plantas como alternativa a las redes Scrog para simplificar los métodos de formación.


Conocida por su perfil de terpenos de fruta de guayaba extremadamente dulce, la Guava Auto™ ofrece un refrescante sabor a fruta que recuerda a un azucarado ponche de guayaba. Al inhalar, experimentarás un sabor afrutado general con un sutil, pero perceptible fondo a galleta que se abre gradualmente, revelando un intenso dulzor seguido del sabor distintivo de la fruta de guayaba madura que se desliza por tu lengua, refrescando tus papilas gustativas golpe tras golpe.

Comparar con cepas similares

Cosecha EU Interior
Cosecha EU al aire libre
Altura EU
Semanas de floración
Hasta 28%
450 – 550 gr/m2
60 – 200 gr/planta
70 – 120 cm
8 – 9 semanas
Sativa 50%/Indica 50%
Hasta 24%
450 – 600 gr/m2
60 – 300 gr/planta
90 – 130 cm
9 – 10 semanas
Sativa 65%/Indica 35%
Hasta 26%
400 – 500 gr/m2
70 – 160 gr/planta
60 – 100 cm
8 – 9 semanas
Sativa 15%/Indica 85%
Hasta 24%
450 – 550 gr/m2
50 – 170 gr/planta
80 – 100 cm
8 – 9 semanas
Sativa 50%/Indica 50%

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Reviewed 9 February 2024
Smoke report on these is taste is super smooth with hints of a creaminess. The flowers came out with either shades of purple on them or covered in red, but both density and taste the same. Sticky would be a highly understatement as they are almost sappy. I did find multiple spots where sugers have seeped out the flowers leaving a sap. Over all definitely recommended if your an indica lover it's not to couch lock but enough to know your relaxed. All 3 plants came out to a dry weight of an astonishing 270g or a little over 9 and half ounces. So an average of 3 ounces a plant I'd put it more on the heavy yielding strains. For sure a fun one from sprout to harvest I'd recommend to any level of grower. Happy Growing
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Commented 25 February 2024
Nice man very beautiful
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Commented 9 October 2024
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Reviewed 29 July 2024
It was a phenomenal grow.. absolutely covered in trichomes beautiful beautiful bud structure with little maintenance.. The smell is absolutely fruity gassy almost... One of my favorites appearance wise..
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Commented 17 October 2024
Hey, I would like to know what you are using for grows like this. For exampel wich fertilizer. Thank you
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Commented 3 March
I use Fox farm soil with Fox farm nutrients. I germinate the old fashioned way and put the seeds in the soil and let them come up by themselves. The hardest part is to leave them be and not over water them.. I feed weekly once they start flowering.
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Reviewed 9 February 2024
Tester review
FBT2307 came out really good. After a great and cure in the cannatrol. She had a earthy sweet fruity with a caramel smell. She is a fruity sweet smoke. I got 146.3 grams on 1 plant. Was a good potent, and great Smelling flower.
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Commented 3 December 2024
Very nice looking. A job well done.
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Reviewed 15 February 2024
This variety turned out to be indica dominant, it had a sweet fruity taste and aroma, the effect was stoning but it made you think, this is also a 60/40 or 70/40 indica dominant
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Reviewed 26 January 2024
fave tester
what a lovely grow you were starting off with a beautiful plant structure from the very start you were my favorite tester I had run! With lovely dark purple hues to almost dark red tones you were fast easy going and a true star of the tent! And let’s talk about the smells of her a very fruity almost pineapple scent followed up by an almost fuel like undertone definitely made it an exciting plant for me she was a home run! You’ll find this gal to be very fast 70-80 days seed to finish with a nice XL yield! A nice upbeat Stoney vibe but when it’s ready to chill out for the night you’ll find this strain to lock you right into the couch after a long day! Oh FBT07 it’s been a splendid pleasure
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Commented 8 March
Just curious if u did any kinda expert lvl maintaience during flower? Or was it a "leave it be and wait" flower period? Im looking and wld really help on my decision when i buy
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Reviewed 25 July 2024
guava Auto. It almost outgrew my 6 ft tent... Huge plant. Beautiful! Hard buds smells like fruit, fresh fruit... 5-ft tall monster absolutely covered in trichomes + has a very distinctive fruit smell to it. Very exciting plant. Very rapid grower. Extremely delightful girl..
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Reviewed 2 July 2024
fruity strain
I cultivated this guava Auto in a small tent 35cm x 35cm with a 100w led light. The plant grew in a small pot first and then I transplanted it into a 14l pot, but I would advise to take a smaller one like 8-10l. I only used an all mix and didn't use any other fertilizer. The smell is very fruity and it took me 9 weeks to harvest this awesome guava Auto strain.
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Reviewed 9 February 2024
Sweet! Fruity, creamy, berry, and sweet again! this way you can characterize the aroma and the taste of this beautiful variety. This is the perfect combination of 60% Indica and 40% Sativa. very reminiscent of the effect of one of my favorite varieties from FastBuds Gorilla Cookies. also perfectly balanced and powerful. will definitely break through any type of tolerance. no matter how heavy of a smoker you are, this girl will make you nod your head with a smirk and say a long and slow yeaaa bro this is really cool! after the first heavy hit and the desire to sit down, comes feelings of euphoria and sativa action. I'm not afraid to call this variety Ideal! and she really is! PERFECT!!!
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Reviewed 1 July 2024
easy to grow
The guava autoflower by fastbuds was extremely easy to grow and required no training to achieve an even canopy and each bud was identical to each other. Both plants were fast to flower and gain weight and trichomes. The smell is like something I've never smelled fruity almost fermented fruity with hints of melon and Skunk. This would make a excellent indoor sea of green as each plant was identical to size and height. I highly recommend this strain for fast frosty, pungent flowers. 5 out of 5
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Reviewed 9 February 2024
tester review
Here we have the FastBud Tester 2307 and it
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Guava Auto™
Guava Auto™' pack backside
Guava Auto™
Guava Auto™' pack frontside

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